Federal Employees’ Compensation Act: What Should the Employer Do When You File a Claim for Continuing Compensation

If a federal employee’s leave-without-pay status continues after the period of time claimed on the initial claim for compensation (Form CA-7), then it is the employer’s responsibility under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) to provide the employee with a subsequent Form CA-7. The employee uses the subsequent Form CA-7 to claim continuing compensation or a disability caused by a workplace traumatic injury or occupational disease.

After the employer returns the completed form, along with any required medical documentation, to the employer, then the employer must complete the remaining sections of the form. Once the form is complete, the employer must send the completed Form CA-7 and any accompanying medical documentation, to the OWCP.

The law requires the employer to forward the form as soon as possible and no later than 5 working days after receiving the completed form from the employee. The five days does not start until the employee has completed his or her sections of the form and furnished any necessary medical documentation.

Read the original regulation regarding the employer’s responsibilities regarding a subsequent claim for compensation online.

Contact Uliase & Uliase Regarding FECA Claims and Employers’ Responsibilities

For an appointment with an experienced New Jersey federal worker injury lawyer, contact our office online or call us at (856) 310-9002 to schedule an appointment with our experienced federal employee injury lawyers. We are open weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. We offer a free consultation for injured workers.