Filing a FECA claim for wage loss compensation (CA-7) is different from filing a notice of traumatic injury (CA-1) or occupational disease (CA-2). In a circumstance involving either a traumatic injury or occupational disease, the injured worker must file Form CA-7 to initiate compensation for loss of wages due to time off work.

Form CA-7 comes into play if the employee is disabled with loss of pay for more than three calendar days due to injury or occupational disease. The employee, or someone acting on his or her behalf, must file Form CA-7 as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the date on which pay stopped. Employees should also use Form CA-7 to claim compensation for lost wages due to additional time off work following the initial injury.

Beginning in January 2013, all federal employers are required to have in place a means by which employees may submit Form CA-7 electronically.

It is critical to understand that it is the employee’s responsibility to submit Form CA-7. The employee must complete the first part of Form CA-7 and then submit the form to his or her employer for completion and transmission to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP). According to the regulations, the employee should continue to submit Form CA-7 every two weeks while off work due to injury or occupational disease unless and until the OWCP states otherwise.

Read the original regulation regarding filing a claim for wage loss compensation online.

Contact Uliase & Uliase Regarding FECA Compensation Claims for Lost Wages

For an appointment with an experienced federal employee injury lawyer, contact our office online or call us at (856) 310-9002. We are open weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. We offer a free consultation for injured workers.